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Christian University for Leadership Education and Development (CULED) is incorporated in the United Republic of Delvin (URD), under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2023 as Private Company Limited by Guarantee, with Company Registration No: URD2024080408001CA . CULED is also licensed and approved by the Ministry of Education of the United Republic of Delvin (URD), to offer academic programs leading to the award of Bachelors, Masters and PhDs in various disciplines, with License/Approval Certificate Number is: URD24082015ME.

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Christian University for Leadership Education and Development is recognized and affiliated with Ballsbridge University (BU)-an international quality educational institution, chartered and recognized by the Government of Commonwealth of Dominica. BU is a transnational education institution chartered by British Virgin Islands, Curacao, Dominica and Delaware  laws. Ballsbridge University is also signatory body of CCLP world wide educational charter with consultative status with UN Economic and social council also recognized  by California University FCE  and california state university foreign evaluation dept  for US equivalency degree. Download Certificate here.

Ballsbridge University
Global Interfaith University

Christian University for Leadership Education and Development is recognized and affiliated with Global Interfaith University (GIU)- a globally recognized university dedicated to fostering religious literacy, promoting religious tolerance, and facilitating constructive engagement between different faith traditions. Global Interfaith University is accredited by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IQAHE) and recognized by California University FCE, and actively participates in the Joint University Degree and Partnership Program (JUDAP)- an initiative for international academic partnership and collaboration. 

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